First Snow of the Season

Last Wednesday Old Man Winter showed up with 6-8 inches of snow (more in the foothills and high country!). Since temps stayed pretty reasonable and nothing got icy … and it didn’t ruin any fun or stay around too long I am OK with it.

Plus it was really really pretty!! Especially the next day when the clouds were gone and the sun came out to turn everything bright and sparkly.

The only bad bit was it downed quite a few trees, including one in our front yard (but luckily it was the one slated to be removed this weekend) and, unfortunately, one limb from our beautiful Bradford Pear tree. But it will survive … and I loved seeing its beautiful orangey leaves next to the crisp white snow.

It also made Tabby a weee bit cold in her mermaid costume as she headed for her Halloween parade at school. But she wouldn’t have traded either the snow or the costume. And it looks really cute with her pink hoody anyhow.