At the Lake Again

Once again we abandoned hearth and home and headed for the hills this weekend. My uncle’s family had our family, my mom and sister, and a couple of other families we work with up to his lake house for the weekend. You could have not asked for better company or a more beautiful location to spend the weekend. We had a wonderful time.

On the way up we drove through Rocky Mountain National Park which is just sheer gorgeous everything. We took in amazing vistas (the kids slept, so we did not stop for photos) and heading out of the park (the kids were awake by this time) we had a couple of moose encounters.

Once at my uncle & aunt’s house, the big fun began. There were five kids altogether and they spent the whole weekend running amuck in the back yard

… That is when they weren’t out on the water. We went tubing and canoeing and it’s hard to say which Tabby enjoyed more. Ben was all about the big boat.

With everyone pitching in on meals and cleanup and the like, it was pretty low stress and maximum chill. My cousin and her friend (both gifted musicians) treated us to a mini concert and the wine flowed freely. But of course, we had to head home and back to reality. The kids were glad to see their beds and we were glad to pick up Loki.

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