Dialing it Down

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It has been a big huge couple of weeks. What with the race  and the party, we have been going at a rate even a bit nuts for us. So contrary to my take no prisoners general attitude about life, I’ve been letting things go a little bit. There is laundry all over the place in various states of completion. I have not yet made our weekly grocery run, so we had nachos for dinner last night  (with fruit – we’re not savages, after all). I did finally get fed up and force the kids to clean the playroom last night when there was so much junk on the floor I couldn’t even open the door. But overall, it’s going to be a much more chill existence than normal this week. There are but three little items on our to-do list:

  1. get the house back in order
  2. construct the eggbot (Easter’s almost here!!)
  3. host a dinner party (on Friday)

Totally doable, right???

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