Recovered Bar Stools

Way back when we were first married and living in Madison, WI, we purchased a set of four bar stools. Being as we had little $$ we got them super cheap – under $10/each from a weird little K Mart style store called Shopko. Our apartment had a breakfast bar and so at first, rather than pony up the cash for a dining table, we at our meals on the stools at the breakfast bar. I’ve always liked them. They’ve got nice simple clean lines.

In our house though we do not have a breakfast bar so we keep two of them in the basement and the other two are in our kitchen as occasional seating. They also get to serve as a landing strip for lots of stuff (bags, laundry baskets, etc.). A year ago or so I noticed that the upholstery was looking pretty bad. Who knows what variety of schmutz had been deposited on them between this and that. Finally I decided to do something about them. The process was pretty simple and I love the results.


  • fabric enough to cover the stools – we used laminated fabric for durability, but you could use just about any sturdy fabric
  • staple gun and staples
  • screw driver


[flickr float=”right” size=”small”]5574262428[/flickr]Unscrew the seat from the stool/chair. Very nice if you have an electric screwdriver, but easily doable with a standard manual one.

Layout fabric and cut to size, making sure you have enough to wrap around the edges and pull under the bottom.

Pull fabric tight and work in a circle, stapling it down. Pull it tight and try to minimize folds visible from the top.

[flickr float=”right” size=”small”]5573676645[/flickr]Situate seat back on top of stool and check to see that all is well.

Take photo of daughter making a silly face (optional but highly enjoyable).

Pause to have some very tasty (not to mention imaginary) strawberry princess smoothie. Praise chef duly.

Adjust and add staples as needed.



[flickr float=”right” size=”small”]5573677979[/flickr]Screw seat back onto chair.


Stand back admire new, clean upholstery.

Marvel at your brilliance and celebrate the fact that you are no longer likely to contract a third world disease just from looking at the stool. Cheers!

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