Happy Monday to You

We had a nice weekend away … but I was ready to be home. The kids were too. They do not sleep as well away from home and so consequently neither do we. They miss their toys and their routines and their familiar surroundings. We make a big effort to leave the mountains early to avoid traffic and to get back early enough that we can get things all ready for Monday because of course, we’re always busy. Here’s the update:

  • A while ago, my laptop started having issues. Anytime I needed to do something graphically intensive, it would BOMB. Flat to the ground. So it has to be sent back to Sager to be fixed (under warranty happily) … but I am now sans laptop for at least a week.
  • Now my Netbook (tiny backup laptop mostly good for websurfing) is on the fritz. Its power cord is no longer holding a connection. You have to hold your mouth just right and plug the thing in and then it is OK … so basically everyone in our house is forbidden from moving the netbook even a millimeter.
  • And to make things a bit more fun, one of our plastic spoons fell onto the heating element in the dishwasher and melted/burned … killing the dishwasher (well at least the heating element) and smelling up the house and all the plastic stuff IN the dishwasher. It should be fixed today at least. $200 I could easily have spent elsewhere, THANKS. We ate out a bit more than usual last week and dipped into the supply of paper plates.
  • I started a 6wk session of bootcamp today … it is MWF. So far my body isn’t pleased with the long run on Sun/bootcamp on Mon combo. I might have to change that up a bit. I might be inclined to drop the long run all together, but I really don’t want to have to walk 13.1 miles on April 10.
  • St. Patrick’s day is almost upon us! Check out my round up of Fun St. Paddy’s Day activities on FTMB.
  • We have freezing rain here … cheers. But in typical CO fashion, it is projected to be 60 by Wednesday … cheers (for real).
  • Tabby arrived home to find more presents from her Nashville grandparents. She is delighted with her own spending $$ in the form of a Target gift card and a darling magnetic ballerina “paper doll” set.
  • It will be a nice spread-out birthday for her. We’re doing our special Tabby date this weekend where she gets to go paint her own pottery. I am almost as excited as she is.
  • She also gets to take cupcakes to preschool tomorrow for distribution to her friends. She requested to wear her cupcake t’shirt that I made her as well. I am glad she likes it. We will be bringing the cupcake form of this delectable Strawberry Milk Cake I found on the interwebs (more about this tomorrow maybe). When presented with this plan Tabby sweetly said, “It’s OK, Mommy, we can just make the Funfetti.” My family is clearly corrupting her as this was the cake my mom made for her this weekend. I spent a small amount of time trying to explain the ethos behind “from scratch” but I fear my diatribe was more or less lost on four-year-old ears.

Hope you are all off to a good start to your week!

2 Replies to “Happy Monday to You”

  1. You redesigned! When did that happen? I really have been out of it. It looks really nice.

    I have a netbook. I love my netbook, it’s the only thing I use. It does make editing pictures and graphics a bit difficult, though.

  2. I hope all the gadgety stuff gets fixed soon.

    And totally have a present for Tabby just have to mail it out. Late again. Boo!!

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