Family Photos!!! Great weekend! Woot!

Friday morning, bright and early and COLD we met with Angie of More Sugar than Spice Photography to have some family photos taken. We’ve been doing the “hand Kelly the camera and let her click away” method for the past few years and while she’s gotten some pretty fun shots of us, we wanted to try a professional this year. Angie was great to work with and we had a fun time, despite the cold, hanging around Clear Creek Historical Park. Due to the cold and some digestive issues with Ben, we were setup for failure, but I think things worked out pretty well and so far, the photos look like a good testament to that!

After photos, we headed home for lunch and naps. Later I dropped the kids off with my parents and headed back to my house where Kelly and I went to Bunco and Matt stayed at home to finally set the toilet in the kids’ bathroom.

Saturday morning we slept in until 8 and then hit the gym for a couple of hours. After that we picked up a couple of things at the store and the kids at my parents and headed back home for … you guessed it … lunch and naps. While the kids slept, Matt and I did pop-in cameos at our neighbors house where they were introducing everyone to their new grandson (such a cutie!!), Oliver.

Around 3 we took off for our friends’ house. Tabby, excited to see her friends, bounded up the stairs with tons of enthusiasm and promptly puked all over their porch. Yay! Since she seemed otherwise fine, we let things go and successfully executed Turrrrkey Day and deep fried a 13.7 lb bird. We also enjoyed some sweet potato fries, rolls, rice, pumpkin butter, cranberry sauce, dressing, green beans and outrageous oreo cake. Glad the next turkey day is still a few days away. Tabby did not eat much and had an upset tummy all evening, but returned to her normal self on Sunday.

Sunday we did the Costco thing and not much else before we jumped ship and came home for naps … for everyone. Everyone but Tabby got up a little while later and we worked on laundry and getting the house cleaned up.

We finished up the weekend with a very nice dinner at my parents’ house … and some laundry folding. The house doesn’t even look too horrendous.

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