I'm a Monkey Mama

First things first. I'm happy to announce that I am sharing some parenting stories on a brand new (and super fabulous) parenting blog called From the Monkey Bars, started by my bloggy friend, C of Kid Things.net. She wanted a place for parents to share their stories and takes on parenting topics in a fun and friendly way and she's created this great site. She wants contributors too, so if you're interested, pop over there and share your stories too! It's a lot of fun. My first two stories are up there, one about the challenges of parenting and one about getting dinner on the table … hope you'll check them out! I will be posting 1x or 2x/week from now on. Enjoy!

In other news, we've hardly been home this week. As I related, my SIL is in town and we've been up to all sorts of fun things in the evening. Tuesday we went to the pumpkin patch. Yesterday we did the sewing class (loads of fun!) and tonight we're heading out for some pub quiz fun with The Geeks Who Drink. Of course it doesn't stop there and we've got yet another jam-packed weekend. Someday I'll get back to things like cooking … and exercise. Soon.

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