Three Halves

Our third half marathon is rapidly approaching. It has seemed to us like it is so close to our second half marathon, but really they’re about a month and a half apart.

This one is different. This is the first half we’ve run in Colorado. This is the first one we’ve run with (near) a bunch of local friends. This is the first one jammed into our regularly schedule life instead of into a trip. It’s going to be interesting.

Since I got back from Disneyland, I’ve been working on consistency in my workouts. I’ve managed to workout almost every work day BEFORE work and most non-work days as well (laying tile counts as a workout, right?). I’ve been watching what I eat and I’ve lost a few pounds as a result.

Also, I’ve been working on my hills. I am a big-time whiner when it comes to hills. We do not get along and while I can coast along at a reasonable pace on flat, any hill used to lay me out. ANY hill, even tiny little 1% hills. But I am better now. I can run many miles on a 1% grade and at least one mile at a 2% grade. It might be sad, but it is good progress for me, my friends.

So I head into this last half of the year with the goal about the same as my first and second … finish it. I would love to run the whole thing again (as I did in Disneyland) and I would love to break the 2:30 mark (I was painfully close @ Disney), hopefully buoyed by my hometown pride, but I will be happy to finish it. I don’t run for glory … I run for fun and just to say I did it. Maybe I’ll get faster later on.

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