Checking In

Wow. I have no idea where the last 5 days went. Well yes I do, but the relating of it would be quite boring. Mostly, I've been on my hands and knees in the bathroom. That sounds either really tawdry or possibly really icky. It's actually neither. We ripped up the carpet in the kids' bathroom on Friday evening (boy do we know how to do a Date Night!!) and have been working pretty much every night since to lay down tile in its place. Of course it's not just tile … it's thinset, hardee board, thinset, tile. We still have to grout, caulk, and replace trim. It's a pretty big project. And after this we get to do our master bathroom. Which is like double, maybe triple the size of the kids'. Whee!!

We also had a nice date night, went to a benefit concert and went to the farm with some friends. It really was a nice weekend, but after the tile project, I'm exhausted. Will check back in soon with cute farm pictures (I hope!!). TTFN.

One Reply to “Checking In”

  1. I've always wanted to DIY. I know I make it sound much more glamorous than it is. Only thing I have done is assembled an Ikea lamp. Niel has no interest right now cause we are still(sniff) renters.

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