
The weekend whizzed by in a blur of family, friends, kids, chores, workouts, cooking, laundry and quite a bit of fun. I took 0 photos. I didn't get enough sleep.

Tabby's big day at the doctors was Friday. It was fairly hellish. Neither of us really wants to talk about it. But she did pick up some pretty good bribes, so hopefully that will blur the edges of her 3.5 year old memory.

Ben logged roughly an hour in the laundry basket/penalty box, in 1 minute increments. He was very fond of hitting and scratching and throwing this weekend. He did not get any bribes, unless you count string cheese, which he probably does.

Matt and I have been playing Civ 5 and watching some new TV. It's been a bit slower which is always nice. He's pretty fun to be with.

And that is the update on our end.

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