Snip Snip!


Yesterday, an awful thing happened.
This charming little guy,
with these absolutely cherubic curls,
got a haircut!!!
Overall, he did pretty well, especially with the help of some lovely distracting bubbles.
But mama DID NOT!

Now the curls are all gone and he looks sooo grownup. *SOB!!!*
Where did my little boy go?
Didn’t we just get him like yesterday? 

4 Replies to “Snip Snip!”

  1. Too cute! This mama was SOOO ready for Andrew to have short boy hair. His baby locks were sweet but he stopped being a baby around 9 months, truly. I cut at the first sign of a curl! I'm such a weirdo mom!

  2. Oh man. That first haircut is the hardest. LG has the best tendrils that I love to run my fingers through. There's no way I'm cutting them off. Mini had them when it was humid, and I hated to have to cut them off.

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