8 Years

8 years ago, I put on a white dress made to my specifications – “It should look like a t’shirt and a skirt” – and a pair of Birkenstock sandals (also white) and on the arm of my handsome father, walked up a hill and down an aisle to meet my charming soon-to-be husband. It was a sweet ceremony. During the ceremony, our officiant, Father Frank, asked the guests to raise their hands over us in blessing. And blessed we have been.

Almost 3000 days later, I still love and even LIKE the goofy guy I married. We have our little squabbles, but I can always count on him to love me and call me on my BS. And I am happy to do the same in return for him. We make a really awesome team and it is fun to look back over the years and see how much our life has changed and how much we’ve changed. I adore the two little people we’ve brought into the world and find them such an amazing outcome of the love Matt and I have for each other. I am pleased that we can give our kids the gift of parents that love each other and are a united front. I am happy that we share many interests and I will never be bored growing old with Matt.

Happy 8 Years, Mr. Nichols … and here’s to many many more!

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