Summer Bucket

Dang it's been a great summer. We've been super busy. And you all know my love/hate relationship with busy. But every time I think about our crazy schedule, I don't want to give anything up, so busy it is. We've done a lot of great things this summer.

An Update to my list:
Get in a few NEW hikes. Beaver Brook Trail 6/25, Castlewood Canyon (July sometime), Keyser Wilderness 8/1
• Take the kids to Berry Patch Farms.
Take Tabby to Film on the Rocks (I'm thinking Princess Bride!). Done!
• Make homemade ice cream.
• Cook pizza on the grill.
• Take a bike trip to the library (with picnic).
Run a race I haven't run before . Bolder Boulder 5/31, Apex Father's Day 5K 6/19 and soon to come: Heart and Sole 10K 8/22, Skirt Chaser 5K 8/28 and Disneyland Half 9/5
Actually make it to the neighborhood pool (harder than it sounds). Done!
• Take the kids to The Splash or another water park.
Go camping with my dad. Done!
Take a day off, without the kids, somewhat for organizing, mostly for RELAXING. Done … Happy birthday to me!
Visit the Paris Street Markets again. Done!

Not much summer left … but we've wrung a lot of fun out of this one!

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