What’s Up?

I both love and hate vacation. Wait, scratch that. I love vacation while I’m on it and kind of hate it when I get back. There’s just so much to be done. We have to catch up. We have to get back in our routine. We have to do the dreaded LAUNDRY. It just takes a while and I don’t feel in control and I hate that.

So now we are scrambling to find normal again. Last night I came home and had a nap. Tabby came up and snuggled me and watched Mulan on the TV in my room. We had popcorn for dinner. We went for a walk as a family. I stayed up too late catching up on email and that sort of thing.

I have not had a real run in over a week which is killing me. We went out a couple times in Vail, but Matt and I were both suffering from GI issues and runners will tell you that the two really do not mix. We had fun, burnt calories, etc. but we did not run hard. Tonight is the night. I’ve got two back eps of both Make it or Break it and Jillian and they are my reward for getting my butt back on the treadmill. The Disneyland Half is in like 5 or 6 weeks and I’ve got to get my butt moving (more).

Now that I’ve moaned and whined, I need to suck it up and get back in the groove. I’ll start by making sure I actually cook dinner tonight. Taco salads. Yum.

2 Replies to “What’s Up?”

  1. I like that you often talk about naps. When do you nap, how long, and what time do you go to bed? I am the nappingest adult I've ever met. Maybe you are my nap sister.

    Also, what is your taco salad recipe?

  2. Your post is sooo right about vacations. Both love them yet dislike the return. But who does right?

    Hope you have a fabulous time in Disneyland and you will get to visit the park and ride some rides as well.

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