Tabby on the Rocks

When I saw The Princess Bride on Film on the Rocks schedule, I knew it was time to initiate Tabby into one of Denver’s best summer traditions. Film on the Rocks, for the uninitiated is a summer even series sponsored by The Denver Film Society. They rent out Red Rocks and show second-run or cult classic films. The setting is absolutely magical: a gorgeous amphitheater carved out of amazing red stone, combined with Colorado’s perfect, 0-humidity, 70 degree summer nights.

So we packed up our picnic dinner (complete with movie candy) and headed out to Red Rocks. Tabby was less than enthused about the inevitable traffic jam to get to parking. But once we got there, she was keen to get going. It’s a hike into the amphitheater, but a pretty one and besides, she was carried for about half of it.

We got in and found some seats and got all set up. Tabby was too excited to eat her PBJ and we passed the time until sunset with people watching, potty-going and the coloring supplies I’d brought for her.

She got a little antsy with the sponsor commercials at the start of the movie, but rallied nicely when Bugs Bunny showed up for the traditional pre-movie cartoon they always show at FOTR. She had *gasp* never seen Bugs Bunny. I felt as though I was failing her as a parent. It was The Barber of Seville and she laughed like crazy.

I’d offered to give her a synopsis of the movie beforehand so she would know the general plot, but she refused and watched the movie with RAPT attention. The eels and ROUS kind of scared her (as they did me at that age), but she loved the story and told me all about Buttercup and Wesley yesterday.

It was great for all of us and I wouldn’t hesitate to take her to another FOTR … though probably not Superbad.

Summer is officially here!!!



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