Digging, Watching, Reading

I can't believe it's been March since I wrote one of these posts. Where the heck did April go?? Oh RIGHT … mommying, training, working. Anyhoo …

So with all the training, I've found a couple of sites I really love. Sporty Pal is great because it hooks up with your phone and tracks your runs via GPS. It would be perfect if it was just a wee bit more accurate (it tracked me as being in Macon, GA during part of the half and said I ran like 300 + miles at a pace of 173 MPH). I also love MapMyRun, which has you plot your course on a map to tell you how far you've been. You can share your routes, etc. Though I think my fave is DailyMile which is sort of like Facebook for athletic pursuits. It also has a run-mapping feature that's cool. All of the above also sync-up with Facebook.

My new Tivo is so cool! I love the dual-tuner thing (records 2 at once), but my favorite thing by far is the Netflix and Amazon streaming!!! We got S3 of Chuck from Amazon and I've watched a few movies as well (I usually eschew movies since I can hardly ever sit down for 2 hours straight and then I forget about them). I finally watched Food, Inc. – good, thought provoking, though clearly had an agenda. I also really enjoyed Outsourced, a movie about a guy whose company decides to outsource their customer service to India and he has to go there and train the personnel. It's funny and sweet. Netflix has also brought Inspector Gadget to our home and Tabby and I are both very grateful. Reading
I most recently finished Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen, which is one of my new favorite books. It is a really amazing and fascinating read and it went super-quick for me. I cannot say this is universally appealing since I have no idea how a non-runner would feel about it, but it is a must-read for anyone who runs.

Before that, I read This is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper. It's the story of Judd, whose life is falling apart. And at the apex of disaster, he is called home with the rest of his dysfunctional family to sit Shiva after their father passes away. This book made me laugh out loud on multiple occasions, which is high high praise for me. Though it is not exactly a “clean” read, so the easily offended should steer clear.

Now I am reading a couple of books. The first is another honest-to-goodness paper book, Run Less Run Faster, which is a tome from Runner's World on training advice for running. Gosh that makes me sound serious and I'm really not … I just want good advice on building my stamina. Hopefully this will help.

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