369 Days of Ben

You might’ve noticed that while we were out of town, my little man had a birthday! Yes, it’s true … Baby Ben turned 1 the same day mama and dada did their first 13.1 mile run! He had an excellent morning hanging out with his grandparents, big sister and aunt and uncle. That evening we had dinner out (meat loaf and mashed potatoes for him) and afterward, his Nashville family made darn certain he celebrated in style with cupcakes, balloons, candles and the whole shebang (mommy’s lack luster, overwhelmed plan involved a piece of pie at the restaurant). He was serenaded, fed green-frosted cupcakes and got to open two huge presents (with help from sissy) and capped it all off with a shower in the sink. It was a decided success. The past month has been one of serious growth for Ben in many ways. Though he hasn’t put on many pounds or inches (finally slowing down!), he is walking like a champ and has been for a few weeks now. He is super-motivated to try out his new skills too and was something of a problem child on our flight home. He has been sleeping through the night more consistently than ever (only when he was sick did he wake for a bottle). And he’s communicating very well with gestures and the occasional word, “hi”, “bye”, “woof”, “tuck” (truck), “baba” (bottle) and of course “mama” and “dada.” He loves giving kisses when asked and sometimes distributes them spontaneously along with hugs. He’s a big snuggle bug.

He’s been sick off and on over the past month and it’s sort of stalled his eating. We’ve moved him to cow’s milk, though, which has been good for some of his tummy troubles. And he continues to like MEAT. He is also a sippy thief and takes every opportunity to grab Tabby’s cup and have a sip of whatever she’s got. We are transitioning him to the sippy and we were also surprised to see how well he drank from a regular cup.

Unfortunately, we’ve seen him expressing frustration physically, particularly when he’s over-tired. He scratches (yikes, those claws!) and smacks. We’ve been “punishing” him by putting him down if we’re holding him and letting him know it’s not OK. I hope it’s a short-lived phase because man he can hurt!

Overall, though, he’s a happy, sunny little guy and it’s such a pleasure to be around him and watch him develop into this fun, amazing little person.

The Stats
18-24 months for clothes, sometimes 2T, size 6 shoes, size 5 diapers (4s still fit OK, though he soaks them)

Likes music, balls, bee-bopping, snuggles, being serenaded, milk, cookies, fruit

Dislikes being told no, being put down for his nap, facing backwards in the car, ice cream (??)

5 Replies to “369 Days of Ben”

  1. He doesn't like ice cream? WTH?? LOL..

    I cannot believe it has been a year. I remember waiting for the post on his arrival. CRAZY…. Glad he had a smashing birthday!!

  2. Happy Birthday to your little man Ben! Glad to read about his milestones. What a sweetie.

    Yeah O goes limp if we try to put her to bed for the night. Naps are a bit easier.

    She didn't like ice cream either the first year. Now loves it. Still hates cakes, cookies and pie. Though candy is a big favorite.

  3. What an adorable, sweet, big, cuddly boy! Happy Birthday to him!

    Abbie likes to explore her aggression too. She went through a biting phase and a hitting phase… I hope that its over now. Really, who can blame these kids when they have to defend themselves from their bigger siblings on a daily basis!

  4. Gah! I can't believe he's one! Mine's up next.

    I have a feeling we're going to be in disbelief on each other's blogs forever.

    Also, dude, what is UP with the hitting? Mine started doing that too, last night. She was so overtired and her mouth hurt, and any consoling led to hitting and screaming. Like, “fine kid, work it out yourself then, I don't HAVE to be here.” Sheesh.

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