Weather, Cleaning, Planning

Well I'm still recovering from the past weekend (things broken, kid sick, busy busy), which means the cute photos of Ben & Tabby in their Easter finery are still trapped on the camera. I did at least get in an hour on the treadmill last night. There's hope for us all.

Spring keeps peeking its head around the corner here. We have gorgeous (and cheap!) berries in our grocery stores. The grass is getting greener. I am excited for summer. Of course I woke up to an inch of snow this morning. Boo. On the other hand, it is gone again. Yay.

As usual, the anticipation of spring/summer makes me want to … clean. Why is that? I always feel the itch, though. Maybe it starts with clearing out the kids clothing … it's amazing what they outgrow over the course of a few months … no wait, I had this urge long before I had kids. Now I'm noticing that our plastic-ware storage cabinet is a huge mess that needs to be tamed and the drawers in my bathroom have way to much k-r-a-p in them. Not to mention my clothing drawers. At least all the maternity stuff is gone. And did I mention my office needs spiffed up? Someday.

Soon, though, we've got to get our yard cleaned up and ready for planting. Soon after we get back from Nashville is Mother's day, which means we're officially frost-free and ready for planting. But not on Mother's day. On Mother's day, I'm planning to run the Title 9K and make Matt take me out to brunch since my own Mamacita will be out of town.

What are your plans for spring?

2 Replies to “Weather, Cleaning, Planning”

  1. I am feeling the same way regarding cleaning. Wanna toss everything out. I think it is spring cleaning fever because it's too early for nesting no?

  2. Feeling the same, minus the exercise I just wish my brain, that wants to clean, and my body, that wants to not move, would get in sync and actually get something done around here!

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