Ben … almost a year!

Well here we are; almost a year has passed since Ben arrived on the scene, cute, cuddly and hungry. The past month has been an interesting one. I have felt like is on the verge of walking for a month now and still, no dice. He is great at balance and can stand in the middle of the room unassisted and bend down and stretch up and clap his hands, but no walking. He can even get up from a crawl in the middle of the room! But no walking. Ah well, soon enough.

Not that not walking is slowing him down. He is lightning fast on all-fours and can get into trouble quicker than I ever thought possible. Tabby was “easy” in this way … you told her “no” once and she heard you loud and clear and would usually obey quickly. Ben hears you loud and clear (and then shakes his head and says “na na na!” back to us), but he goes back to whatever it is he’s doing a few seconds later. He LOVE the toilet and would happily splash around in there if we’d let him. He also loves to turn on the bath tub. Luckily he can only reach the cold so far, but we are trying to keep him away so he doesn’t get any big ideas. Trouble for sure!

He is saying Mama and Dada with definite purpose. Every once in a while you could swear he mimics another word, but it isn’t repeated. He gives kisses when asked and loves to snuggle, unless he wants to go go go. He will mimic the sign for milk now, though I have not seen him use it to ask for his bottle just yet.

There are days when he eats us out of house and home and days where he hardly wants anything but a bottle. Cheese tortellini and meatballs seem to be the perennial favorite and he loves berries, waffles and scrambled eggs as well. He will smear anything tasty all over himself, particularly in his hair. It’s as though he wants to add touch to his sensory eating experience.

He is heart-meltingly sweet and snuggly and I am ever-happy to be his mommy and I love to spend time with him.

Sizes: No idea on height/weight, though he seems to have slowed some. Hanging around 24 mos, though he wears some things on each side, size 6.5 shoes (extra wide).
Likes: playing in water, climbing things, snuggles, music, his piano, his blanky and doggie
Dislikes: being put back to sleep without being offered, having something (anything) taken away from him, sleeping in

4 Replies to “Ben … almost a year!”

  1. They definitely sound like typical Taurus kids. Mini was so much like Tabby. When you said no, it was no. And he was OK with that for a really really long time (not so much these days, but he was definitely my easier child when it came to being agreeable). She's totally stubborn, head strong and has an eye for trouble. I can't turn my back on her for a second. She's my destructive baby.

    I thought for sure, since she crawled much earlier than the Mini, she'd walk earlier, but I think that she's working on words (I counted 11 at last count) instead of walking. She can stand unassisted, but not as long as Ben, and she'd rather crawl to get somewhere, than master walking. I guess it's faster for her. Who knows. I wish she'd walk already. It would make my life easier, because her talking isn't really making my life easier yet. When she demands something, it's usually by pointing and grunting until I've given her everything conceivable. God forbid, she should sign what she wants. I should be able to read her mind.

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