My Baby Turns 3


3 years ago, at 4:20 AM, my sweet Tabby made her grand entrance. Even completely blitzed from a very long labor and C-section, I was elated to finally meet the little lady who had been bee-bopping inside me for over 9 months. There is a lot I don’t remember about that day, but I do remember how tiny and warm she was, and how amazing and beautiful I beheld her to be. It was without a doubt, one of the greatest days of my life.


In 1095 days, we’ve seen her change from a sweet, smiley baby into our sweet, firecracker of a preschooler. The teeny changes along the way, a fraction of an inch, a new word, were hardly perceptible on a daily basis, but suddenly we’d glance up and there she was – smiling, walking, kissing, talking, running, reasoning, singing, loving, helping! I am so dang proud of her it practically makes me teary to think about. Every day she belongs a little less to just us and a bit more to the world. She goes to school. She interacts with people I don’t. I feel like she’s gotten an excellent start in her young life and I will be there to help her as best I can to continue to be sweet, smart, inquisitive and confident.

Everyday she makes me smile and amazes me with her humor and ingenuity and kindness. She’s some of Matt, some of me, some of the various amazing people she interacts with, but she is all Tabby and she is incredible!She is still at the point where she is making incredible strides in development on practically a daily basis. At least once a week, I marvel at how she has gained understanding of a new concept, learned a new word or phrase or mastered a new skill.

In the past month I’ve noticed that she can recognize her own name and a handful of other words on sight, including her friend Liam’s name (“It starts with a 7, mommy!”) and her brother’s. She can also write the first couple of letters of her name. She is fully dressing herself now, though it sometimes takes about 10x longer for her to complete the operation. She can also put every toy in the playroom back into its precisely proper location (Matt cannot even do this) all while she sings her little clean-up song. I’ve been amazed at how quickly she picks up new songs and I am ever impressed with her generosity and kindness toward her little brother.

Height/Weight: No idea. 30 lbs? 36 inches? She’s going for a checkup soon.
Favorite foods: Darn near anything, though she’s a bit more suspicious of veggies. She loves broccoli though – but not as much as cookies or juice or cheese.
Favorite activities: Playing! Also drawing, being read to, playing in water, tumbling, helping and anything she can do by herself.
Favorite Music: The classical stuff from Little Einsteins (asked for by name – luckily I have a pretty good MP3 library) Beyonce (Put a Ring on It) and Pink (So What)

10 Replies to “My Baby Turns 3”

  1. Happy birthday, Tabby!

    I like the way you said “hardly perceptible on a daily basis”. The days are definitely long. Andrew was never the type to pick up new things “all of a sudden” but of course it's amazing how much they change in such a short time.

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