Dude, Where’s My Weekend???

I am a lucky lucky lady. I have worked it with my job so that I almost always get long weekends. This is a total lifesaver, especially on a weekend like this where even 3 days went “poof!”

Thursday Matt took Ben to the doctor’s office because he had been running a low-grade fever all week and hadn’t been his usual charming self (he was a complete whiny, grumpy mess, actually). We expected them to say “it’s a virus, let it run its course …” but to our surprise he had an ear infection. I ♥ antibiotics. Brave soul that my mom is, she agreed to take him and Tabby anyhow so we could do pub quiz night with my cousins, which was scads of fun as usual, though as usual we also stank it up with our 40th percentile score. To our delight and surprise, when we went to pick up the kids, my mom suggested we let them sleep over and before she could change her mind, we scooted out of there and got the first 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep we’ve had in … umm… well at least a year for me, 8 or so months for Matt.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday blazed by in a blur of gym, basement and errands. We are so close on the basement, but even so close takes a lot of time. My awesome cousins kindly came over this afternoon to give us a hand and we are that much closer to having it done!

The big surprise of the weekend has been Ben. I had no intentions of working on his sleep training this weekend with him coming off having an ear infection and all. But we had a couple of moments where he WOULD.NOT go to sleep, no how and no amount of cuddles or bottle or whatever would help, so we ended up letting him (yikes!) cry it out a bit and it has really worked – and it didn’t even take too long! 15 minutes at the worst. He is going to bed on his own without a bottle and we even got him BACK to sleep last night without one. I am crossing my fingers and holding my breath that we are on to something good.

Also – that boy LOVES spaghetti.

6 Replies to “Dude, Where’s My Weekend???”

  1. Too cute with the spaghetti. I will never have a pic of Andrew like that because he can't stand messes or gooey stuff… weird little guy.

    Hope the sleep continues to go well for you!

  2. Glad the docs were able to help Ben and that his sleeping has improved which means your sleeping will too. Did it wake up Tabby at all?

    Glad you got a lot done this weekend.

    Wasn't Tabby a big spaghetti lover too around that age? Why am I remembering a post about that?

  3. I haven't tried spaghetti with LG yet. She's had pasta, but not full blown spaghetti. She's getting to the point where she hates purees now (part of me is all THANK GOD), but she's not totally accurate on self feeding. We're just letting her practice as much as possible. She ate a TON of broccoli last night, and well, I'm paying for that today. Ugh.

    Seriously. He is so stinkin' cute. We should hook them up when they're older. They'd have some fabulous looking babies.

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