Our Remodel

Well if the past three weeks have taught us anything it's to expect the unexpected. Everyone has been sick. Matt had to head out of town for an entire week and feels like he's going to have to do more of that. And in general, things have been quite a mess. This, combined with some fiscal analysis of the situation, led us to the conclusion that we should hire someone to handle the basement remodel for us. Pretty much anything we saved in DIY would be eaten up in rookie mistakes and also, we'd like this done in a timely manner.

Our neighbors had their basement finished this summer by a sort of one-man-band and we started discussing a plan with him last week … to be started in his next open slot, in January. But on Saturday we received a surprise call … his next slated job had to be pushed back, so he wanted to see if we would take the slot. We would!! He starts … yesterday.

Sunday we met with him to make firm plans and get all our ducks in order. Yesterday, he moved in materials and to our surprise, started framing up some exterior walls. Two are already done. So Matt and I are scrambling to get some fixtures purchased: bathtub (he frames around this) and light boxes for the recessed lighting (he will install these so handy hubby can wire things up after framing is done).

The pricetag freaks me out. I knew what it would be, and we do have the $$ for it, but it hurts. Big time. I like my savings account all big and fat not all trim and svelte. And even after the basement is done, there is still a lot we want to do to the house. It needs painted, probably by next summer (hope they wash windows while they're at it). We also really want to replace our high-traffic area carpet with hardwood floors. It's a light oatmeal kind of color and looks dingy and worn even if we clean it. And then there's the master bath where they thoughtfully installed CARPET. Yea, that's fun with all the moisture in a bathroom.

All that said, I'm glad we decided to stay in our house. I really love it and I want to make it work for us for as long as possible. I think eventually we'll probably want to move on to something a bit bigger, but right now our little cottage is lovely … and getting lovelier.

8 Replies to “Our Remodel”

  1. I had carpeting in my bathroom when I lived at home and I loved it. LOVED it. In fact, it's still my ideal. I have rugs everywhere in the bathrooms. But then again, I like carpeting anywhere and everywhere. I hate hard floors.

  2. So exciting!! Carpet in the bathroom is the worst!! So gross. I prefer bath mats that can go through the washer (you know, like once or twice a year when I actually get around to it). My two deal-breakers in a house are carpet in the bathroom and white tile in the kitchen.

  3. I found your blog at WMAG. I have a never ending project that we took on to save money. In the end, it has cost us way more and still isn't finished. We should have contracted it out. Unfortunately for us, it's too late now. At least you'll get the basement done.

  4. I have a proposition for ya'll…this is me volunteering my husband so feel free to volunteer yours (as his sister I'm inclined to go ahead and volunteer him anyway). I say when we come out there in Dec we help ya'll wit whatever needs done (be it tearing up the carpet in the pottys and replacing it with whatever, n so forth) and when ya'll come in in april ya'll help us!

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