So Long Summer

I know we officially have a couple weeks of summer left on the calendar, but it is feeling very much over in this corner of the world. Today the pool closed and tomorrow I start back to work full time. I have had such a nice summer with my little people. In many ways I hate for it to end.

It feels good to hardly have spent any of Ben's first 4 months away from him. I've gotten to have the pleasure of watching him turn from newborn into baby. And I have loved the extra time with my sweet and sassy little girl. She is such a joy to be around and really makes me laugh and keeps me on my toes. I will take away some very good memories from this summer with my kiddos. I have a stack of photos from this summer all ready to bring with me to work to decorate my office. Maybe in the future (perhaps before Tabby starts kindergarten), I can have another summer with them. One can dream, right?

Of course, there is some good about heading back as well. I do thrive on routine and going back to work means more consistency with that. The money is also nice. Got to keep building those college funds and paying off the house. And it will be nice to have more adult interactions and some (relative) peace and quiet in which to check my email and have a cup of tea.

I have no doubt that the transition will be a bit difficult … we will all be getting up earlier, for one. Matt will be getting both kids ready on his own. I will have to fit the tasks that I have had lots of week-day time for this summer into the few hours between work and bed every evening or on the weekends.

I remember when I went back to work after Tabby was born. I'd feel completely together one day and completely in over my head the next. In time it got better. This time I'm more experienced, but I also have twice the number of kids. Wonder how long it will take this go-around before I really feel confident in the role of working mom. We shall see …. Wish me luck!

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