The Benj … 4 Months Old

Will you look at this, folks? I am posting a baby update on the proper day. Miraculous! Yes, Ben (“The Benj”,”Benji”) is 4 months old today. Obviously, the time has flown by. I cannot believe we were just meeting him four months ago.

In that amount of time he has gained over 10 lbs and who knows how many inches. He is above the 80th percentile from our calculations and will not be in the infant carrier much longer. He is getting darn hard to carry around and beyond that he won’t fit much longer. He is wearing 6-12 month sizes in clothes and size 3 diapers. He holds his head up just about perfectly and can sit easily in his bumbo or a reclining chair (stroller, swing). He makes swats at his bottle if he’s not hungry and grasps this and that, though with not a ton of purpose yet.

He has a very cheerful disposition. He is very smiley baby. Perhaps he’s even more smiley than his older sister was. He delights in attention … singing, smiles, patty-cake … and responds with big grins and funny happy growls. You rarely hear grumbling from him unless he’s hungry, though lately he’s sometimes lobbied for extra cuddles and attention with a form of vocalization we refer to as “baby bitching.” He eats … a lot. Recently, he has gone to more formula than breastmilk and I know this trend will continue when I go back to work in just two weeks (*gulp*). And we will be starting him on solids soon.

We are so very in love with our little guy and really enjoying seeing him turn into such a little personality. It is such an incredible privilege to have him in our family. Now I am off to get a few more baby cuddles in before I blink and he’s all grown up.

5 Replies to “The Benj … 4 Months Old”

  1. He is just the cutest, and sounds like the most adorable and personable baby. So happy to read that he's doing so well. PS: Happy (belated) anniversary!

  2. I've totally stolen “baby bitching.” It must be a Taurus thing because LG is the same way. She's so happy, except when she's got something to say about whatever it is that she's pissed at. Then she starts bitching, and it gets louder and more belligerent. It's pretty funny.

    The time is flying by so much faster this time, isn't it? Solids! ACK.

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