Weekly Update

Guess blogging is down to a weekly thing for me, eh? That doesn't mean that things are going badly. After seeing the lactation consultant last week, I gave myself permission to relax a bit. I am still mostly on the manic schedule, but I am a bit more relaxed about it. He is still getting about 80% breastmilk, some directly from the source, some pumped. He still isn't a great nurser and I'm not sure he ever will be. Ben will get as much breastmilk as I can give him and still retain my sanity. Honestly … the schedule hasn't changed that much … but I am giving myself permission to cut out on it here and there so that I can get back to enjoying my family.

So in this spirit, we got out a bit last week. We made it to the library. We took a couple of walks. And Friday, when Matt had the day off, we went to the zoo. It was nice being out in the beautiful weather. It was nice being a family of four. We saw lots of baby animals and had a picnic lunch.

The rest of the weekend has been busy as well. My cousins' graduation party on Friday night. Saturday finishing work on the backyard. Saturday night we had dinner with my parents. Today my parents watched the kiddos and we attempted to have a fun few hours to ourselves. The problem is that Matt has been fighting some sort of bug and about halfway through our planned adventure (lunch and a movie), he felt too rocky to continue, so we ended up at home watching episodes of Nip/Tuck while it poured buckets outside. The kids did awesome at my parents' house and we got some rest.

Who knows what tomorrow holds. Just hoping my hubby will feel more like himself.

Tabby's thought of the day: “[Chicken]Nuggets are my favorite food in the whole world.”
Also, my baby is a MONTH OLD today. He's lovely.

3 Replies to “Weekly Update”

  1. Ugh. We're facing the same challenges, so I'm right there with you. Manic and all. I've been doing the pumping thing and now that my milk is fully in, I've been pumping less, and letting her feed more, but Jesus, I'm like a damned all day buffet. I've already started to lighten up on myself and make small goals, but I can't spend 24-7 on a pump or with a child latched to me. It's really affecting the Mini, which is exactly what I didn't want it to do.

  2. I'm so impressed with all the outings you've been on! Just the thought of going places with the kids makes me tired. Always worth it afterwards though… good memories and a valuable break in the every-day monotony. So happy that you are getting a chance to relax an enjoy a bit more. Not easy to do sometimes!

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