Happy Easter

Though this was her third Easter, this was the first one Tabby really got to enjoy. Friday she dyed eggs. Saturday she hunted them. Sunday she got a visit from the Easter bunny and then got to hunt eggs again. She very much enjoyed all of the special events, especially the chocolate and “can-ee.”

In general, it was a pretty Tabby-centric weekend. She got to play with her buds and eat Nepali food on Saturday. She got to go swimming on Sunday. All weekend long she got tons of QT with Mommy and Daddy.

Not only are we trying to enjoy our last days as a family of three, but Tabby is also having some troubles. Right now we're assuming it's molars coming in (lots of signs point that way), but with a little cough and some real trouble sleeping, we're starting to wonder if it's not something else working on her. It's been cranky days and unsettled nights and quite a few applications of tylenol.

We got a couple of things on the big to-do list accomplished, but mostly we just maintained the status quo and relaxed quite a bit. I can't complain.

Hope you had a lovely weekend.

4 Replies to “Happy Easter”

  1. sounds like a great weekend…

    do you think she might have an ear infection… once I thought that it was teeth with Lore and she had an ear infection in one ear…

    Hope your last few days as a family of 3 are relaxing…

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