Nesting with a Captial N

Ahhhhhh… I am taking good advantage of my nesting instincts. Look at my pantry, people. It is a thing of beauty. After my success on Friday, we kept it up on Saturday by attacking the kitchen. The pantry is a deep dark hole and it needs a good cleaning every couple of months because it's hard to maintain. So we drag out everything and wipe down the shelves and toss old stuff and put it back together. I had a great time using scrapbook paper to label our jars of bulk ingredients (dried fruits, nuts, pasta, grains). The fridge came next.

Then Tabby and Matt went off for a nap and I deep-cleaned the rest of the kitchen. We had tracked in loads of road dust with the snow and I swept up all of that and scrubbed down the whole kitchen.

After putting away a ton of Tabby's toys, I vacuumed up the whole main floor, working especially on the edges that our cleaning lady seems to miss, and the couches. Lastly I used up a whole Mr. Clean Eraser cleaning off scuff marks on our walls (how do they get there??). My back and feet hurt like mad, but the main floor of our house looks awesome. I still want to clean out a few corners, most notably our DVD closet. We have a whole closet full of DVDs that we want to put into a couple of binders. Then we plan to use the leftover space in the closet to put some more of Tabby's stuff.

After the marathon of cleaning, we completed another race to get Tabby ready to go off to my parents' house and then get myself cleaned up for Mom's Night Out. So while I was hanging out with the girls, Matt was down in his shop working on Tabby's bed. It's getting very close to being done.

Unfortunately, all my hard work came back to bite me in the butt. I went to bed as planned but was sore and restless all night, more so than normal. I never woke up enough to realize why and take a Tylenol, I didn't get great sleep. But luckily, today was pretty low-key. We had my parents and sister over for brunch and then met our friends in Boulder to walk around the town and hang out. The ped mall there is great for the kids to play in when it's still mucky elsewhere outside.

We spent the balance of the day hanging around the house, doing laundry, cooking and napping. All in all a great weekend.

3 Replies to “Nesting with a Captial N”

  1. Ahh . . nesting. I bet you feel good about all that cleaning now.
    I use my pantry as an excuse to visit IKEA. I'm a sucker for organization and storage!

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