Umm.. Yea

Not doing so well with the posting this week. I'm just kind of … uninspired and, frankly, busy. Not even the interesting kind of busy. Just busy.

We've more or less decided to not remodel our basement. It would be expensive and the $$ would be hard to recoup in the awesome market we're in and we figure that we could better use the $$ to put towards a down payment. So we're crossing our fingers that the economy recovers enough in the next year or so that we can get a reasonable price out of our house and move. So I am going crazy trying to get as much excess junk cleared out of our house as possible mainly because it seems like a better idea to do it now than later. And it's going pretty well … we cleared a ton of crap out of Matt's office on Tuesday night and I've got designs on our pantry for this evening. I definitely know how to have a good time.

This has also been the week of dealing with obnoxious little junk. Like the extended warranty we were supposed to get a refund on after my car was totaled by never did. That's been a multi-day fun fest with faxes and emails flying back and forth (and getting lost). And having our taxes adjusted so that we stop loaning the government so much $$ every year (let's face it, they're not great credit risks at the moment). So it's been that sort of “musical-hold” style week. Yay.

We're also supposed to get a devil of a snow storm today. The word “blizzard” is being batted around. I will probably be taking a vacation day tomorrow if we get too much because it's just such a pain in the butt right now to maneuver through the snow. And logistics would be particularly annoying since we have a preschool tour for Tabby lined up at 9:30. Much easier to just skip work altogether and wait for most of the traffic to clear off the roads.

For having nothing to say, I managed quite well. Over and out.

2 Replies to “Umm.. Yea”

  1. I love purging and organizing… I wish I still had some of my nesting motivation!! Housework keeps slipping lower and lower on my list of priorities.

    Also, crazy about Tabby having fifth disease. I sure hope things work out okay for the new baby and the test results are favorable. You're in the final weeks of your pregnancy, exciting! Have you scheduled your c-section yet?

    If it makes you feel any better, I've officially decided that it is MUCH easier going from 1 baby to 2, than going from 0 to 1. You already have the schedules and routines and selflessness in place, just pop another kid into the equation.

    This is a little cart-before-the-horse-ish… but a move to Denver may be in our future… like a year or more from now. Semi hush hush (Greg hates it when I talk about these things before they are 100% certain). We like to watch the housing markets for a while before we move (something we are unfortunately much experienced in), and I was wondering if you could toss out a few sub-division or suburb names for us to start looking in? Nothing too crazy-expensive, but nice and safe and conveniently located. THANKS!!!

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