What's Cooking?

Gah things have been busy lately. Not that I can complain. Part of me would dearly love to fast-forward to Baby Boy's arrival, but I know better. I would miss too much in the meantime. Tabby has been so freaking funny and sweet lately. I am LOVING not having her binky. It seems like it encourages her to talk more, especially in the car. I'm just anticipating what she'll say next. But the trade off (at least right now) is that nap time has been quite the pain in the butt.

I am actually starting to freak out a bit that Baby Boy is arriving in like umm… 5.5 weeks? *Gulp* As I said before, I cannot go to the level of planning that I would like to. But even without a nursery to prep, there is still a lot I'd like to get accomplished before he arrives. A lot of it I want to get done because I'm starting to remember what it was like to have a newborn. Chaotic. So I'm going to PLANCON 3 (I generally exist somewhere between PLANCON 5 and PLANCON 4) and long lists will soon be generated.

And literally, things have been cooking! For so long, we were in the Winter Doldrums and cooking whatever we could be bothered to remember the recipe for. But now it's getting gorgeous (70s and upper 60s alllll week, fools!) and I'm coming out of my funk and cooking up some new stuff. I love new stuff.

Berry French Toast – This gets top billing because it came together in an instant and is hands-down one of the tastiest things ever. I ♥ breakfast for dinner. Matt and Tabby do too because they get BACON.
Apple Dippin Cookies – the author of this recipe said she was inspired by a favorite snack of hers … apples dipped in peanut butter. I said … “sold!” These cookies are unusual and very very tasty.
Chicken Pesto Pasta – this is my “recipe” brought on by a craving for pesto. I had to use the kind from a jar (not awful) but I am looking forward to fersh. From my garden. With tomatoes.
Spaghetti Carbonara – I left the ingredients for this so Matt could make it for Tabby while I went to Bunco. So it was easy and it had BACON. They loved it. I would eat it as well.
Sesame Chicken Salad – This was a tasty little pasta dish that we cooked up one night a week or so ago. It is very simple and you get your veggies in. Tabby loved it too.
• Stir fry. There is no recipe for this because umm… it's a stir fry. Little oil, meat, veggies (frozen, from Costco to supplement), soysauce, Asian Simmer Sauce from Target if you're cheaters like us. All over rice. We made one for the first time last week and it brought back memories of last summer, trying to use up all of our veggies from our CSA.

2 Replies to “What's Cooking?”

  1. Woot!

    I've been a little busy myself of late but WOW has your pregnancy seemed to have flown by.

    Can you believe it? He'll be here and giving Tabby a run for her money before you can blink.

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