Bye Bye Binky

I am trying not to jinx this by saying it too loudly, but it looks like Tabby is done with the binky. Usage had been dwindling over the past little while. She hardly ever used it during the day and primarily needed (wanted) it when she was sleepy or in her carseat (one of her sleepy spots).

She's been a big pain with teeth brushing lately and we've been with holding bedtime stories if she won't cooperate with us and that had been working. But last night she gave us no end of grief about the teeth and Matt said that if she couldn't let us brush her teeth she couldn't have her binky. We both thought this would do the trick. But she stood fast on the teeth brushing issue (clearly a battle for another day) and went to bed without her binky (and without stories). She normally goes right off to sleep without a peep but last night it took her almost 20 minutes to go to sleep. Matt wanted to rush in and offer up the teeth brushing bargain again, but wouldn't hear of it. It was a more restless night's sleep, but she hasn't had her binky since.

Today she was without it all day at the sitter's house and only asked for it when she was tired in the afternoon when she got in the car with me and then once later. Tonight when Matt put her to bed (I was away, losing at Bunco) she didn't ask for it and went straight off to sleep, no whining at all.

Everyone said it wouldn't be as bad as we'd feared and they were right. She did awesome. Matt seems to be a bit sad about it … the end of an era … her baby era. And I am not entirely without similar feelings. But it is nice too.

And I feel like it will be long enough before the baby is born that she will be completely over it and won't bug us if he has one.

7 Replies to “Bye Bye Binky”

  1. Two year molars, perhaps? Her mouth could be bothering her, so she doesn't want a toothbrush in there. Mini has been sticking nearly his whole hand in his mouth as of late and has been a little restless at night. I don't see them on the near surface, but I'm guessing they're making their way.

    Of course, by the time they grow in, #2 will be starting with this teething bullshit.

    Shoot me now.

  2. That is awesome! I am dreading the binky weaning with Isabella. Ever since she was about 3 months old or so, she's only had it for naptime and bedtime. But it's a big part of her sleeptime routine. I've heard of making a snip in it with a scissors, which apparently makes it undesirable. I think I may try this, but Isabella is NO fan of change. I fear she may totally tweak. I'm really glad Tabby transitioned easily. It gives me hope!

  3. That is great right?

    Olivia may not sleep through the night but one thing she has never wanted was a pacifier. And I have no idea why?

  4. I still have a pacifier in my purse. I have no idea why – Andrew has refused to take one for months (pretty much since he turned one). He's always set his own schedule for these things. He cut out his bottle, pacifier, and nursing, all long before Mommy made the decision.

  5. It makes me happy to know that I am not the only one with an obstinant toddler.

    We had a similar experience with Jackson and the bottle. I was so worried about taking it away so soon after weaning him, but it was exactly as everyone told you about the binky… not as big of an issue as I'd expected.

  6. I was blessed that neither of the girls liked pacifiers. Jac told me that Vi was 8 months old when she threw them away.

    I am glad you got rid of them, it's better since you are pregnant. Don't be surprised if she wants one again though after seeing the baby with one!

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