A Night With My Girl

Matt is out of town for a few days, getting some “face time” in at the office. So it's just me and my Tabby. We both have mixed feelings about Matt being away. We miss him like crazy and our schedule changes quite a bit, but we also hang out at home a lot more and it's just the two of us. Which is kinda fun.

Yesterday, I picked up a frozen lasagna for dinner and put it in the oven to cook while Tabby and I had a nice nap. When we awoke (well the alarm woke us since I got all paranoid about burning the lasagna and then burning down the house) dinner was ready and we trucked downstairs to enjoy it. There is not much in this world that Tabby likes as much as lasagna and she ate a pretty large portion.

After dinner, I started cleaning up the kitchen, but Tabby wasn't interested in what I wanted to do. She wanted to be held. She kept tugging on me and saying “Up, peees.” How can you resist that? We talked to Daddy for a while, sitting in our easy chair and she just sat on my lap and leaned her head against me.

After we were done, I decided we'd do something special … snuggly. So I grabbed a cup of milk and some cookies and took them upstairs. We changed into pajamas and snuggled back into my big bed (complete with ultra-plush pillow top and way too many pillows). There we sat for the next hour, eating a few cookies (Tabby fed most of hers to Loki, I noticed) and watching Little Einsteins (a request from Tabby).

Finally when it was getting late, I took her into her room and she had her meds and brushed her teeth and we got in the rocker for story time. She picked her favorite book, a giant book of pictures with descriptions written below. Love her as we do, Matt and I cringe when this comes out because we spend upwards of 20 minutes answering the “what's that?” question over and over. So Tabby and I played the “what's that?” game with the page on vehicles for about five minutes. Just as I thought she was about to move on to vegetables, she pointed to her bed and said, “Bed.”

“You want to go to bed?” I asked.

“No,” says she. Yet out of my lap she slipped and ran over to her bed and put her arms up. “Up, peeees.”

So I picked her up, gave her a kiss and a hug and got the same in return and settled her down with her dolly and froggy and water cup. “Ni ni.”

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