Yay! It's Friday

I hate that I've been such a bad blogger lately. We haven't been that hugely busy, but “morning sickness” seems to like to strike me in a big way in the later evening. I'm basically fit for nothing but lying in bed watching TV. That's when I used to do quite a bit of my blogging (and blog reading). Things like keeping my kitchen clean and doing laundry have gone largely by the wayside and I have a hard time caring very much. I'm really hoping that with the end of first trimester on the horizon that I will get back to some of my normal self. The one who remembers to take out the camera and doesn't like living in filth.

Tabby has been helping mommy out a lot lately by being a great napper. I've been picking her up from her sitter's house and taking her home for a lovely snuggly afternoon nap every day I can manage it. She out-sleeps me most days and I have to gently wake her up so we can go make some dinner. We've been amazed what consistent naps have done to her mood in the evenings (and really all day). We're having so much more fun and now she can stay up until 8 or so which is much nicer. She used to always be in bed by 7:30 and sometimes as early as 6:30!!

I can't believe what all is coming out of her mouth lately too. No worries – it's all been good so far, though she has picked up my “geez!” and “fine!” exclamations which is rather hilarious. Last night we were visiting our friends and their little boy was getting close to bed and had a little melt down and was in time out. My friend was telling him to stop crying and Tabby picked up on this and parrotted “Stop crying!” about 10 times. I couldn't get her to stop. It seems like she knows the word for just about everything and pops out new ones faster than I can count. Matt and I look at each other and goess “where'd she learn that??”

We have big plans for the weekend … drive 8 hours to Draper, UT (apparently a suburb of Salt Lake City) and visit IKEA. This was part of my sister's promised graduation gift way back in May. Since she's got her new place, we're making the trip before (fingers crossed) the weather gets too awful. I'm not especially keen to go right now but I know that once we get rolling it'll be good fun. Tabby will be the big winner from our family … she'll be getting chairs and a table for her new playroom. Just let's hope that we don't have to endure any more traffic fun on the way home.

Have a good weekend, y'all!

4 Replies to “Yay! It's Friday”

  1. We have that table from IKEA… but instead of that chair we have the little green stool… which Lore loves… btw… crayon markings come up real easy off that plastic… and food… and well about everything else too… well worth the money!

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