
Tabby's favorite thing right now, aside from running around like a crazy person, is to “see” what we are doing. Usually cooking things. Be it stirring or the rice cooker or whatever, she is always interested. This is cute but annoying, especially when we're making dinner. Chopping veggies is next to impossible when you're holding a squirming toddler.

Enter the Kitchen Helper. I felt like a dork spending $130 on it, but Matt said he couldn't make it for that much, so we went for it. It has been the best $130 spent EVER. Now we can make dinner happily with Tabby looking on and “helping.” There's a rail around the top, so she doesn't fall, and as she gets older it will be a great height for her to really get into the helping. This totally reads like a paid review, but it isn't and I really do love it … and so does Tabby.

Speaking of Tabby, I think I mentioned that she's been very cranky after she gets home from her sitter's lately. 2 hours of screaming and frustration (and eye rubbing) and then to bed at 7. So today we tried something new … I picked up Tabby early from her sitter's and we went home and had a nap together. We both enjoyed it and I was amazed at the improved mood she was in this evening. Happy, smiley, even FUN. Hopefully we can have a repeat performance once in a while anyhow.

6 Replies to “Seeeeee!!”

  1. Lani thrives on her naps!! If she goes more than one day with out them then life after 4pm is not pretty. I am glad she was better after the nap.

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