Aloha Again!

Ahh, yes, we're back. We've been back for a couple of days now if you want to get technical. And we've been busy busy (of course).

The remainder of our trip was delightful. One of the huge highlights for me was a tour of a CHOCOLATE FARM. Which was so very cool. They featured lots of info on the various flora of the island as well which I really enjoyed and they had chocolate tasting. A must-see for any foodie if you're on Kauai. We had some lovely beach time and some not-so-lovely boat time (I got very very seasick) and a rather long two plane-rides home. To say that we enjoyed the vacation would not nearly cover it. None of us wanted it to end, but getting back to reality is a bit nice in some ways too. Since we've been back, it's been pretty go-go-go. We saw my great aunt who is like an extra grandma to me while she was in town. It was the first time I've seen her in over a year and it was a fun evening. We took our dog sitters to dinner. We did meal-planning and went grocery shopping. The house is getting back to presentable (slowly). Loki was glad to see us.

Somewhere in our travels homeward, I lost my cell phone which is also my PDA and so now I'm making phone call after phone call trying to reconstruct my incredibly busy September calendar since my PDA was not syncing with my work computer (since it got upgraded to Vista). One of those things I needed to work on but couldn't find the time before I left for vacation. Not what I needed, but oh well. It was insured through Sprint so hopefully it won't be too huge of a deal to get a new one. Fingers crossed.

I also have a lot of thoughts after our trip about traveling with a kiddo that I want to share (what worked and what didn't), so I'll have to post about that before I forget it all.

6 Replies to “Aloha Again!”

  1. So glad that you had such a smashing time. I LOVE this photo, such genuine happiness in each of you. And Tabby? Oh if only I could pluck the cuteness right out of this photo, just for a minute, so I could smoosh her. I would give her right back I swear!! LOL
    She is SO cute!!

  2. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time and Tabby has just gotten cuter from the looks of it! I sympathize with you about the loss of your PDA/phone my husband and I just upgraded our phones this weekend from regular clamshells to PDA phones and I don't quite know how I survived before without everything organized at my fingertips. Actually I have tried the PDA option in the past and it fell through so I have no clue why it decided to click this time around.

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