Happy Birthday to Me!

Damn, people. I sure know how to par-tay. I kicked off things great this morning with a dentist appointment and got my first b'day present (aside from the free chapsticky-swag and bottle o' amoxycillin) … I get to go back Wednesday for a ROOT CANAL. I'm psyched.

I'm sure the day will improve, but I'm a bit disillusioned with my 29th year thus far …

7 Replies to “Happy Birthday to Me!”

  1. Ok, having to hit the dentist on your birthday is JUST NOT FAIR. Go buy yourself something shiny, pretty and expensive. You deserve it. LOL

    Happy Birthday Jess. I do hope today is no indication of the rest of year 29 for you! LOL

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Oh, you are still such a youngin'. LOL! What an exciting day you've had so far. I hope that it just keeps getting better and better! hehe

  3. Happy Birthday!! Sorry you had to go to the dentist…that is NEVER fun. I had a root canal several years ago, it was tooo bad. Not pleasant but not as bad as I thought it would be.

  4. Dude. Who schedules a dentist appointment on their birthday? What's wrong with you girlie?

    I hope the rest of your day was subsequently better. Happy Birthday.

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