My Garden Grows, So Does My Kiddo

I feel like such a broken record lately. All I can do is tell you about how insanely busy. I'm so busy I don't even have time to be interesting. So … wanna hear about my garden? It's growing! It's growing like mad! The tomatoes are almost taller than their bamboo stakes. They are blooming like crazy too. And we actually have one that looks ripe! It's tiny and something gnawed on a it a bit, but it's progress, right? The squash has really rallied from its low-point following the hail and I have no idea what to do with the the ton and a half of basil and dill.

Meanwhile, our fridge is STILL oveflowing with greens from our CSA shares. We're getting better at figuring out what to do with them, though. Stir fry is big in our house right now as are salads. And I hear radish sandwiches and sautees are good, though we chunked them in the stirfry last week. The dinner I cooked last night was awesome and used a whole bunch of some unidentifiable green. And it was way tasty.

The kid is growing like a weed too. Not physically so much at the moment (except her teeth), but she is growing developmentally by leaps and bounds. Tons of new words are popping up and she's been wielding her spoon like a pro. She's huge into books right now as well and we've put her to bed with a book a couple of nights to appease her, which has been a big hit.

But apparently, sharing is not in her vocabulary. She spent time with another little girl at her sitter's today and the “mine” word reared its ugly head OVER and OVER (accompanied by screaming). Ahh well … it's a form of growth, I suppose … hehe. Something to work on.

5 Replies to “My Garden Grows, So Does My Kiddo”

  1. I have two basil plants going right now, and they are INSANELY huge. LOL
    And I use a LOT of basil. I have been hanging it in my garage and drying it out, then putting it in a container in my spice cabinet. Even freshly dried is way better than the stuff you can get in the grocery.

  2. What a cutie! As far as the basil goes, make pesto!!! You can even make lots and freeze! I made some AMAZING pesto yesterday and still have basil left so think I'll make more and freeze! And sauteed greens are good with loads of garlic and some tahini sauce. If you need a recipe, let me know!

  3. Yay 4 growing gardens & cute wee ones.

    I feel so bad I haven't had time to regularly read blogs latly.

    Perhaps you can make a big batch of pesto withe the basil. It freezes well & use it 4 pasta salad. Or ,ake a capri salad. Dill is great with salmon. And my mom makes a great potato salad with red onions, dill & sweet paprika. I also like to mix dill with plain yogurt, cukes, garlic & eat it like that. You can add dill & feta to Zuchinni fritters. Realy tasty also.

  4. Lani loves the word “mine”! Depending on the other child she sometimes tosses a smack on the head in there. UGH! Fun times in the life of raising a toddler.

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