Flickr Mosaic Meme

The Questions:
1. What is your first name? Jess
2. What is your favorite food? strawberries (today anyhow)
3. What high school did you go to?
Wheat Ridge High (the corresponding photo is of the Wheat Ridge Grange)
4. What is your favorite color? green! (the apple was the prettiest shade of green supplied)
5. Who is your celebrity crush? Richard Blais (one of the guys on Top Chef)
6. Favorite drink? Sidecar (a drink made with lemon juice, brandy and contreau)
7. Dream vacation? Japan (though I only typed in Japan, when the image of the vending machines came up, I had to use it … because that is a big part of what I want to do if I were to go there … photograph vending machines)
8. Favorite dessert? chocolate peanut butter
9. What you want to be when you grow up? teacher (this is what I wanted to be when I was little)
10. What do you love most in life?
family (I loved the family of ugly dolls!)
11. One Word to describe you – silly (a silly cow? don't ask me )
12. Your Flickr name. Jesser (the photo was a trip to NYC with someone named Jesser)1. Laser Jess, 2. My first strawberries of this season…, 3. Wheat Ridge Grange, 4. Green apple, 5. Blais, 6. limegreen vintage vespa motorscooter with sidecar, 7. Google Japan Vending Machines, 8. Two-toned chocolate peanut butter fudge, 9. Teacher in environment, 10. Family Portrait, 11. SILLY MOO, 12. Trip to NYC with Dottie Jesser

If you want to play, you can use Big Huge Lab's mosaic maker and paste in URLs to photos from Flickr.

4 Replies to “Flickr Mosaic Meme”

  1. Cute layout! *LOL* I like Richard too! I think that he's a fun chef and he's got pretty good odds that he may win. He does have unusual dishes though sometimes.

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