Almost Thursday

Soooo … where's that weekend at? I am working on the world's most boring, tedious and time consuming project at work. So Friday just can't come quickly enough. Luckily I have great audio books to listen to… I'm more than halfway through Blink which is very interesting.

Things at home are still good .. still busy. More gardening today. We prepped the backyard for more work tomorrow … trimmed some bushes, tore out others, blah blah. Had to put in this photo of Ms. Tabby helping out. Matt picked out that dress-top for her and dressed her in it today … matching it with her purple sneakers and green socks.

The Wii Fit came. I've had about 30 minutes to play around with it. It's pretty interesting. I can't make up my mind yet if it's a like it or love it, but it's at least a like it. There's strength exercises, yoga poses, balance games and aerobic games. It told me I had terribly balance until Matt realized that the pad was backwards… hehe. I actually have pretty good balance apparently.

So now we're enjoying a bit of Top Chef before bed … and I must say, I don't expect to last long once my head hits the pillow!

P.S. If you have a minute, stop by and give Sammy some love.

2 Replies to “Almost Thursday”

  1. Can't wait for the weekend myself, even if it does mean we have to go to my BIL's house for a picnic on Saturday. Boo. Hiss.

    Love that little top on Tabby. She's such a cutie. Isabella has one that's very similar.

  2. I know what you mean. So much to do at work. Baaah.

    So cute Tabby is helping with gardening. It's so much fun. Good job to Matt for the cute color combo. The entire Jesser family's colors

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