Weekend Wind Down Part III

Sunday was a busy and fab day all around. We got up early and headed off to pick up Holly and Wes. Tabby downed an entire bottle of Yoplait strawberry smoothie in the car (that girl can really pack the yogurt away!) since she hadn't had much breakfast before we left (this really has nothing to do with the rest of the story, but it was funny and something I want to remember just because it's so very Tabby).

The race was at the Boulder Reservoir and I thought it was very well set up and managed overall. We got there in plenty of time and gearing up and two potty breaks later, we made our way to the start of the race. We should have been in the middle with the slower runners, but we ended up in the back with the walkers because it was going to be a huge hassle to get all the way to the middle of the pack with the double stroller. So we ended up weaving in and out of people and walk/running the first 1k. It was a good course overall, lots of flats, some small hills and a downhill to the finish line. As we came around the last curve, the hubbies and the oldest kiddo, Liam, were there to cheer us on. Other than that start, we ran pretty much the entire race, trading off pushing the babies in the jogger. I will not lie … that last 1k kinda sucked. And the stroller, which up until about the 7k mark had felt light as a feather, suddenly felt like a wheelbarrow filled with boulders.

But we made it and with a very respectable time (especially considering our start) of just under 1 hour, 10 minutes. I was honestly sort of shocked when I saw the race clock just hitting 1:08 as we pulled into the finish line. I'm still extremely proud of us. A lady at the finish line who had run near us the whole race said she was incredibly impressed with us running with the double jogger and that we were “inspirational.” How nice was that? As if just finishing the race at a run wasn't enough.

After the race, we wound down … eating Luna bars and chatting and then, tired and sweaty, we went our separate ways. I found the whole experience to be a really positive one that I'd like to continue in years to come. It was so great to have something like this to train for and work towards and perfect to have a good friend to run it with. After the race, we went home for a quick minute so Matt and Tabby could call his mom and stepmom and I could get a much-needed shower. Then we headed to my parents' house where my dad had prapared us an amazing breakfast of belgian waffles with home made fruit syrup and other toppings. Plus bacon which I ate more of in one sitting than I have probably for a year. Everything was so yummy. My parents gave me some cash and a Barenaked Ladies kids CD that looks like it will be great fun. Matt and Tabby gave me a couple of Sims 2 Stuff Packs, a Full House t'shirt, cute flip flops and a totebag that I just love.

Kelly and I got our mom an electric can opener (this is an incide joke) and a card holder (for discount cards, business cards, etc. to keep in her purse) and the promise of a fun girls' day out. Tabby got my mom a few photos of herself (she's a vain baby – we tell her too often how cute she is) and a copy of Grandma's Feather Bed for her and Grandma to read/listen to when they're at Grandma's house.

Then Mom was sweet enough to watch Tabby for an hour so Matt and I could go home and get our house in order for the week. And when we came back to get her, we went out to dinner with everyone and that just about finished up the day.

8 Replies to “Weekend Wind Down Part III”

  1. Congratulations! I'd have passed out too.
    Is the Barenaked ladies cd the children's one? I like that hilarious alphabet song.
    Glad you had a great weekend!

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