You Say It's Your Birthday??

My BFF and sweet hubby turns 28 today. We've known each other for almost 10 years and every day I'm exceedingly glad he's in my life. He's one of the good ones. You see it in how he does his job. You see it in how he pursues his hobbies. You see it in how he treats his family and friends. You see it in every interaction with his daughter. I miss him when he's gone and I'm always so glad to welcome him home. I love sharing adventures with him from travel to grocery shopping to parenthood to video games.

Things are definitely different now that Miss Tabby has come along. We definitely get fewer uninterrupted meals and conversations. We squeeze our truly together time into date nights and the couple of hours between Tabby's bedtime and mine and the occasional car ride when Tabby is perfectly content to watch the world go by. But we still have projects together and inside jokes and little rituals and it isn't better or worse, just different. And still wonderful.

Cheers to you, sweetie. May this be a great birthday and a splendid year. I love you lots.

6 Replies to “You Say It's Your Birthday??”

  1. You're lucky to have known him for such a long time. Isn't it amazing to see someone go from a young adult to a good man and father?
    Happy birthday to Matt!

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