Crazy Week

I'm 2/7 through a crazy week. Matt is out of town. Our babysitter is out of town (thank goodness we have awesome family and friends to help out!!). And coming up this weekend (and requiring some of my attention this week) are three big events: Matt's Birthday on Friday, Kelly's Law School Graduation (and party) on Saturday and then my race and Mothers' Day on Sunday.

So my week so far has been a whirlwind of activity. I am exhausted by 7:00 and luckily, Tabby has been too, so I can have a break. Which has consisted of running, housework, work work, a few minutes on the comptuer and a few minutes talking to Matt. Thus, I have very little interesting to tell you about. Cuz it's hard to find interesting things to write about when I'm this busy. Instead, I'll let you help me.

What should I get my sis for a graduation gift??
Any good mothers' day gift ideas (for my mom!)?
How about for hubby's b'day???
Oy. I'm so behind.

4 Replies to “Crazy Week”

  1. This time of year is always crazy for me too. I was in the hallmark store the other day, and I saw a neat “do-it-yourself” photo album/scrapbook: one was especially for moms and other was for grandmas. Basically, it's a photo book with pre-printed sayings about motherhood, and you insert the photos. Perhaps you could do one from Tabby to your mom, and stick in some cute photos of her?

    PS: I am so excited to hear about your race on Sunday!

  2. We bought both of our moms Yankee Candles in their favorite fragrances from a place that takes PayPal. I had saved up some money from paid blogging. My MIL loves the macintosh apple, and my mom likes blackberry! That could be an idea, if they like candles.

  3. I'm terrible with coming up with gift ideas. Honestly, and I know some people refuse to do this, I always wanted gift cards or money for my graduations. I was just out of high school/college (depending on which graduation), and I didn't have much, if any, disposable income. It's fun to go shopping on someone else's dime.

    As for Mother's Day…do you read I'm making the Mother's Day idea she suggested on April 25…very cute and cheap!

  4. You have been busy busy. Glad you have help with Tabby.

    Hmm a spa treatment for your mom maybe?

    How about a nice briefcase for work for your sis?

    Each year it gets more and more difficult for me to get stuff for Niel. So I can imagine what it's like. Hmm does Matt need any new tools, or would like a gadget?

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