Me and My Stupid Hair

Ahh… a dilemma for the ages. What should I do with my stupid hair. I hate a love hate relationship with my hair. Possibly leaning towards hate. It is very very fine (probably the diameter of a nickel when pulled together in a ponytail). It is also impossible to grow it past my shoulders because it gets all stringy and stuff when it does. It's that way now, so I am wearing a pony tail (err … rat tail) a lot.

Basically, I've had it shortish and straight for as long as I can remember. Sometimes there are some layers. But as I am cheap and will not pay $35-$40 for someone to spend a lousy 15 minute trimming my hair, I usually get it cut a a chain place and lets face it, those are sketchy at best, so the layers come and go. Not to say that I wouldn't spend a bit more … if I actually thought it was worth it. I also will not be bothered with coloring it. Takes too long, looks crappy too fast. Maybe a great color job could change my mind, but I doubt it. I also have to do SOMETHING with it when I workout. Although it's a pain as it is now and gets in my way, so I will not be extra picky about this. There's always a baseball cap.

I think Kate Gosselin's hair is pretty cute. But I have no idea if that would work on me … I have a very round face. That is another potential issue. The cut Mandy Moore has in this photo is kinda cute, but possibly difficult to replicate in any sort of reasonable time frame? I flunked girl 101 and have no feel for this crap.

So what the heck should I do with this mess on my head?

9 Replies to “Me and My Stupid Hair”

  1. Wish I could help but I am one of those fine-haired, round face girls who refuses to spend ages primping. So, I keep it pretty simple. The only thing I am thankful for is a little natural curl or I'd be in big trouble.

    I'm a pro at rockin' the baseball cap myself. Shame on us ;0)

  2. I seriously thought I was reading about myself. I have been thinking about hair a lot lately. Cause of the shower. And you know how that turned out. I was watching Jon & Kate, plus 8 and I was admiring Kate's haircut as well and was thinking could I pull it off? I think you could!

  3. I wish I had a good suggestion. I can't really tell how long your hair is from that picture though. I love Mandy Moore's hair. I actually had pretty much that same style about six years ago. I found it cumbersome, but I hate short hair on me, so that's probably why. I like Kate's hair, but I can't help but think that it makes her look much older than she actually is every time I watch that show. I know she needs something easy and short because of her lifestyle, but I still think she looks about ten years older.

  4. I've always liked Kate's haircut! You KNOW it has to be easy to maintain and it has a sort of funky edgeiness to it. I also like that pic of MM but it looks like it would be quite cumbersome day in and day out.

    You'll have to show pics when you decide!

  5. It sounds like we have very similar hair, and face shape too. My hair is super-fine and the total bane of my existence. My stylist recommended the “Posh Spice”-basically, shorter in the back, and longer in the front. It's also called the “inverted bob” or the “stacked bob.” I love it, it's very low-maintenance (key for me), and it makes my thin hair look thicker. I like the Mandy Moore cut too. Good luck! I can definitely sympathize with your hair struggles!

  6. oh my hair is so similar. I just got it cut and the back looks really good, but the front makes me look like a mushroom I think I need more layers. Oh, wait! This was supposed to be about you! LOL! Well, I am not hair expert since mine is so crappy. I am always just throwing it up in a pony tail. Good luck with what ever you decided and maybe I will be inspired?!?

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