Weekend Update

Wow. Totally busy weekend. Very little of it is probably worth relating to you. We went shopping. Every blessed day. Bought little of interest. Just that normal errandy stuff. We did find a new market that we really like. It was far away, but fortunately, they're putting one near us very soon. It's sort of like a cheaper version of Whole Foods. We got some great stuff there.

What else? Had pretty weather. Went running (didn't run that far/hard, but it was totally exhausting thanks to Mr. Sun). Had my family over for pizza and game night. That was a kick. Did laundry. But not enough of it. Cleaned up the house, but it's already a mess again. Knocked one or two things off my to-do list … y'know the really easy ones. Made a menu for the week. Made muffins. And a peach cobbler.

Do I really have to go to work tomorrow?

3 Replies to “Weekend Update”

  1. You had a productive weekend! I love that line “cleaned the house, but it's already a mess again. I hear ya! My three rooms which are messy right now are bedroom, the computer room, and the nursery. Hopefully once it is all done it will stay clean. And the same for the computer room. The bedroom if we do the laundry more often it won't be piles of stuff clothes waiting to be put away.

  2. I love Whole Foods. Unfortunately, the nearest one to us is hundreds of miles away. Glad you found a cheaper version. And that photo is so adorable.

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