
* Tabby had her last swim class tonight. She got a certificate saying she passed all of the aspects of the class, which she did, except for blowing bubbles. She did that once, but I'm pretty sure it was accidental. Also, her teacher thought her name was “Jacob” … and then “Devon.” Should have bought the pink swimsuit.
* 9K training is going … err … OK. I sort of took a 4 day hiatus when we went to the mountains. I skiied and stuff, but I don't run on ice. That's just a bad idea. Tuesday I could only run 10 min cuz I got a horrible side stitch (whassup with that?!?). Today was more of the same, but I “ran through the pain.” Doesn't that make me sound athletic? 😛
* Finished In the Woods last night (stayed up too late). I thought it was a good ending, but left a plot line WIDE open, which ticks me off.
* Have decided I hate philosophy. Don't know if I can make it through this book … it isn't funny. At least I have No 1 Ladies' Detctive Agency on hold at the library … but I'm trying to give it a fair shake.
* Still have not managed to cook a meal at home this week. Tonight's dinner was Taco Bell. And I have no leftovers for tomorrow … so Lean Cuisine again, I guess.
* House is a mess. House is always a mess. I need like a solid week off to do some major cleaning.
* Lucy is having a big ol' sale. Must fight urge to spend money on cute clothes.
* Why didn't anyone tell me Easter is THIS WEEKEND?!? The Easter bunny needs to get his act together.


I have very little to report. We've been crazy busy. Work. Life. Changes. I'm pretty stressed ATM.

Miss Tabby makes me very happy … keeps me a bit sane. We went to dinner at Sweet Tomatoes tonight. Her absolute favorite thing there are the teeny tiny ice cream cones. We are not allowed to help her eat it either. She does it all on her own … with great zeal, and a few drips.

I'm almost done with In the Woods. Really really good. Up next is a book called Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar … it's the explanation of philosophy through jokes. Which is great, because this is probably the only way I'll ever get interested in philosophy.

I'm hoping for some calmer seas soon.

Home Again Home Again Jiggity Jig

Is it over already!??! Yikes. Well we had a fab weekend. Loads and loads of skiing. Good eats. Karaoke!! And good friends. My mom and Tabby got a lot of quality time. I took just a few photos, almost all of them this morning.

It was really nice seeing Patrick and Marcella. We hadn't seen them since we went back to Nashville last fall (Sept, I think). We had a lot of good laughs. And oooohh… the snow. It was just gorgeous this weekend. They really lucked out on the whole weather scenario.

Tabby had a great weekend from the standpoint that she had loads of attention throughout the day … but the nights were more problematic. I guess she's gotten to the age where she knows where she is and where she isn't and when she's away from home, the light is different, the noises are different, etc. etc. and so she was NOT going down well and NOT sleeping well. She did pretty much all of her sleeping cuddled up to me or Matt or my mom. Last night when we were doing Karaoke, she would not go to sleep … so she snuggled in my lap while we did karaoke. It was very sweet … and kind of funny.

Now we're going to be happy to settle back into our routine.

Heading for the Hills

As much as I'm eagerly anticipating spring, there's still some good winter fun to be had. Our lovely friends from college, Patrick and Marcella are in town and we're all heading for the hills to partake in some winter fun in the form of skiing. My parents and sister will be joining us on the morrow. I am very much looking forward to the skiing, the karaoke, and the general goofing around and comradery. Oh yea, and a day off work!!

I'll try to take a few photos this weekend. I've been just horrible about this recently. I did get a few cute ones the other day. Tabby's babysitter got her a picnic table for her b'day and we have it set up in our living room and she's been taking her snacks there. And I've got some really cute photos of her munching happily at her picnic table. Haha. Will upload them some day. Anyhoo, I digress.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

What I'm Reading/Listening To

I have a simple new rule about reading books … novels in paticular. I don't really bother unless I can get them on CD. I have delusions of grandjeur … reading a half hour every night before bed, but generally I'm scrambling to get something else together and it just doesn't happen. The Baby Whisperer's toddler book has been sitting on my nighstand for weeks. I was making good progress then I got all caught up in the party and poof … I've been in chapter 4 for a couple of weeks now. But I've been doing great with the books on CD. I listen to them in the car (30 min commute) and then at work while I'm programming.

Recently I've completed:
* The Namesake: a story about Indian immigrants and their children in America and their experiences assimilating
* Animal Vegetable Miracle: adventures in eating locally (as previously discussed)
* Angels: an Irish woman takes a break from her rocky marriage in Hollywood
… and a few others slightly less recently.

Currently, I'm reading In the Woods, by Tana French. This is a really great thriller with really well-developed characters and I'm on the edge of my seat trying to figure out whodunnit. It's wrapped up really tight and I've got no clue whatsoever. Oooh … I'm almost anxious for the morning commute just so I can hear what happens next.

A bunch of you are my friends on Good Reads (and those of you who aren't, please look me up!), but for those of you who aren't (or even who are), what books have you recently or are you currently enjoying?

The Plunge

Am I crazy? Possibly. Last week I signed up *run* the Title 9k. This is a yearly event held in CO on Mother's day. It is (as one might expect) 9k in length, or about 5.5 miles. So in exactly two months from today, I plan to pack up Ms. Tabby in her jogging stroller and run 5.5 miles with her and other moms and kiddos around the Boulder resevoir.

Did I mention I can only run about 3.25 miles right now? Yea … so I sort of need to get my butt in gear. Thing is, I kind of signed up to help me break out of my ennui (which I think has been brought on by still winter and not quite spring) and it really hasn't helped. Mid-may just seems sooooo far away. I also need to practice running with the jogging stroller. Right now I mostly run indoors on the treadmill … and while I've done fine running outside, I haven't done much of it with the jogger. Gotta work on that. And it'll be May … and theoretically warmer. And Tabby will be theoretically a bit heavier. Oy. What've I gotten myself into!??!?

Must. Train. More. Stop. Eating. Crap. On the plus side, maybe I'll look like that lovely vector chick in the graphic I borrowed from Microsoft. Nah. She's already taller in that graphic than I'll ever be … and tanner. Plus, I'm pretty sure those angles aren't natural. Or at least advisable.


We had a gloriously lazy weekend. I don't know what we did, but it didn't amount to much. Matt got home on Friday evening … I managed to keep Tabby up just late enough to see her daddy before she went to bed. We were all working on allergies or colds or tummy bugs (Tabby) and so there was much napping and lying low. We did a bit of cooking … none of it very successful … and lots and lots of laundry. We played with Tabby. We went grocery shopping. We had dinner with my parents. My dad did our taxes. We ordered shoes on the internet. Matt got to play his game. I got to play mine. Tabby got a drive around the neighborhood in her favorite vehicle. I went swimming for an hour. Tabby learned to say “bye bye.” A good weekend overall, I think. Just not much worth writing about or taking photos of ….

New Vocab Word, Plus Links

I have a phenomenon in my life. I call it a BTD which is short for “Bermuda Triangle Day.” These are the days on which EVERYTHING … gets scheduled. Somehow, some way, things (that mostly are not under my control) all get scheduled on the same day. Then I get to run around like a chicken with my head cutoff. It's fun for the whole family. And yes, you're right, there was no real point to that paragraph. Just Seinfeldian nonsense. AHh… enough of that. On to LINKS!

Yummy Things
* as an ode to my German ancestors: Spaetzle for Breakfast
* and more breakfasty goodness: Amaretto French toast and some more French toasty links
* Wild Mushroom Pasta Sauce 'nuff said
* dress up the bag o' popcorn: rosemary cheese microwave popcorn
* Garden Lasagna … sounds good
* why not … make your own bagels?
* couscous, winter squash and cranberries? OK … maybe winter is of some use
* caramel popcorn cupcakes?!? SHUT UP
* amphibious assault … on your poached egg
* ooh … must try this: french toast panini with ham, brie and apple Continue reading “New Vocab Word, Plus Links”