Heading for the Hills

As much as I'm eagerly anticipating spring, there's still some good winter fun to be had. Our lovely friends from college, Patrick and Marcella are in town and we're all heading for the hills to partake in some winter fun in the form of skiing. My parents and sister will be joining us on the morrow. I am very much looking forward to the skiing, the karaoke, and the general goofing around and comradery. Oh yea, and a day off work!!

I'll try to take a few photos this weekend. I've been just horrible about this recently. I did get a few cute ones the other day. Tabby's babysitter got her a picnic table for her b'day and we have it set up in our living room and she's been taking her snacks there. And I've got some really cute photos of her munching happily at her picnic table. Haha. Will upload them some day. Anyhoo, I digress.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

4 Replies to “Heading for the Hills”

  1. I hope that you guys have lots of fun! How great to get away for a while. I've never been skiing! Can't wait to hear more. Too neat about the picnic table!

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