What to say about today?

I'm kind of whiny and tired today … Tabby didn't sleep real well last night (probably our bad as we forgot to give her a bottle before bed last night) and therefore neither did I. So I need positive things to focus on.

* I lurve my new car. It has bluetooth. Now my commute can be practically used to make and return phone calls. Or gossip with my sister … whichever.
* I ran 2.5 miles this AM. I realize that for you running types this is probably pathetic (and I won't even tell you the pathetic speed at which I ran this distance), but for me it's a major accomplishment.
* I finally got on the feed bandwagon and am now using google reader to keep up with all of you fine people. It is saving me loads of time (note: I tried bloglines a while back, but couldn't get into it, but I love GR).
* Though I got home quite late last night, I got to spend the whole night at home and actually had a nice dinner and got a few things accomplished.
* Our house cleaner comes tomorrow … so even though I have to get the house in order tonight, I will have a CLEAN house tomorrow afternoon. Yay.
* I need to buy a bunch of new clothes … but for the good reason.
* I get to spend a quiet evening at home with my favorite people (and canine who thinks he's people).

2 Replies to “What to say about today?”

  1. Good for you for running the 2.5 miles. The point is you are doing it.

    Umm new clothes cause of running??? Hmmm?

    Hah Loki thinks he's human. Awwww! I love doggies.

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