So this is what Having Twins Would Be Like

Somewhat against my better judgement, we bought a baby monitor. I admit, it's been nice here and there, but our house isn't big and I really have no doubts that I could hear her, plus I think it sometimes encourages parents to hover over every little sound and murmur. Just my opinion. But I've got a nervous dad on my hands, so we bought one. It's done very well for the most part, though I constantly have to make Matt turn the volume down so I can sleep. “Sweetie, if the volume of her music is louder in here than it is in her room, I think that's too loud.” Tinny classical at 10 dB is not paticularly relaxing.

Anyhoo, for the past two nights, we've been getting interference on our receivers. Sounded mostly like fuzz the night before last, but last night, we distinctly heard a baby crying. And not a 7 month old baby and not OUR baby. This sounds like a little little baby. But it wakes us up … and for a second, we were *very* confused. Miss Tabby, however, was peacefully asleep in her crib (not having a receiver installed in her room), if rotated 90 degrees clockwise from when we put her to sleep.

4 Replies to “So this is what Having Twins Would Be Like”

  1. I'm still really neurotic about SIDS. We bought a high falutin' monitor that has sensor built in to detect even the slightest movements. If no breath for 20 seconds an alarm sounds. We've had a few false alarms when he moved out of range, but we adjusted the sensitivity, and seriously, why am I going on and ON about this?

    My point is, that we have had a little interference with ours too, but we haven't heard any other babies on ours. Just extra static. Which in and of itself gets kind of annoying.

  2. We never got one… lol… Lore is so loud breathing wise… and I can't take that classical music either when I'm sleeping lol… but it helps to drown out the sounds of the trash trucks and school buses in the morning lol… but never heard anyone before say they have heard another baby on theirs hehehee…

  3. We have one that I use only at night in case Lila wakes. I do not run in there unless she cries for more than a few minutes. I've never got any weird interference though..that would totally freak me out.

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