Random Questions Meme

Stolen from Ani and Shanny.

The phone rings, who do you want it to be? Hmm… I don't know. Maybe Britney. She's got a lot of explaining to do.

When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? I just park by a cart return. I take one from there when I go in and I put it back when I leave. That way I have a good transport for Tabby's heavy bucket.

In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? If I'm comfortable, I'll talk … quite a lot. Otherwise, I”m quiet.

Do you take compliments well? One on one, yes, but like recognition for something, that makes me want to melt into a puddle on the ground. I hate it.

Do you play Sudoku? Yes! It's on BrainAge for my DS. Wonder if it's on Brain Age 2.

If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? Oh maybe … I mean I know some of the principles of wilderness survival and all, but I'm not itching to test my mettle.

Do you like nipple rings? No. They look … dangerous. Did you ever go to camp as a kid? Yes … I went to Girl Scout Camp and to Young Life camp. They were both good fun.

What was your favorite game as a kid? Sorry … actually, that's still a pretty fun game.

Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you? Duh. No problem.

Do you like to pursue or be pursued? Either I guess. When people ask me if I run, I say “Only when chased.”

Do any songs make you cry? I'm rather embarassed to admit it, but yes. Cat Steven's “The Wind” was a tune we put on my Grandfather's memorial CD and that makes me cry. Two others I associate with him, “Melikalikimaka” (the Hawaiian Christmas song) and “When You Say Nothing at All” can also make me cry. Also, John Lennon's “Oh My Love” seems to pull at my heartstrings for some unknown reason. Oh the shame.

Are you continuing your education? Not formally … yet.

Do you know how to shoot a gun? Yep. But I'm not any good.

If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grab? Tabby and Loki

Do you think more about the past, present or future? present

Favorite children’s book? Bored Nothing to Do by Peter Spier

What color are your eyes? that hazely color where they look different depending on what I'm wearing.

How tall are you? 5'

Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth? I believe so, though I can't recall precisely the circumstances.

Where was the furthest place you traveled today?

Do you like mustard? Not really as a condiment, though a good german pretzel demands it for dipping, but mixed into things it's pretty good.

Do you look like your mom or dad? my mom, definitely.

How long does it take you in the shower? Under 8 min on weekdays, but if it's the weekend and I'm just appreciating the nice hot water and zoning out or letting my sinuses drain, then like 15 maybe.

Can you do splits? Yea, when I was like 6!! 😛

What movie do you want to see right now? God. I don't even know what's in the theatres right now. I think Kelly wants me to go see Super Bad with her.

What did you do for New Year’s? Mom and Dad's anual party.

Do you think The Grudge was scary? Never saw it. Didn't want to. I have an overactive imagination without all that sort of stuff.

Do you own a camera phone? Yes, but it is an abject POS and I hate hate hate it. So much so that I'm constantly losing it. But I won't replace it because I don't get my full $150 credit until November. But as of Nov 1, that sucker is HISTORY.

Was your mom a cheerleader? haha. no.

How many hours of sleep do you get a night? I try for at least 7.

Do you like care bears? I don't really have an opinion on Care Bears.

What do you buy at the movies? Only tickets. If I want snacks, I sneak them in. $5 for a freaking thing of popcorn. No freaking way.

Do you know how to play poker? Yes, but it is not something I really enjoy. Give me a good game of Scattergories or Settlers of the Catan anyday.

Do you wear your seatbelt? Duh.

What do you wear to sleep? Sleep shirt (as soft as possible) and underwear.

Is your tongue pierced? No … i'm not so good with needles.

Do you like Liver and Onions? That paticular dish? No. Each on their own … well onions are fine, but the only liver I've eaten that tasted OK was foie gras and I'm sort of ethically against that.

Are you in love? Yes, but don't tell Matt. Just kidding!! Yes, I am madly in lurve with my sweet hubby.

Do you like funny or serious people better? The world needs both types, but I don't have any serious friends I can think of.

Ever been to L.A.? Yes … but I don't really remember anything about it.

Do you steal or pay for your music downloads? depends … I will never use iTunes though, let me tell you that.

Are you a gullible person? No. Thanks to years of teasing from my parents, I am not gullible at all. That sounds cruel, but honestly, it really does prepare you for the real world well and teach you not to take yourself too seriously. As a result, my sister once refused to believe me when I said the race to elect the governor was the gubenatorial election. She thought it sounded fake. I think she has a point.

Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy? a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle

If you could have any job (assuming you have the skills) what would it be? ummmmmmmm … god … staying at home with Tabby sounds really nice right now. But I think that alone would probably not quite satisfy me, so I would probably like to do some web design as well or something.

Are you easy to get along with? hmm… I think so.

What is your favorite time of day? I don't really have one. Early morning is nice because you can get things done before people can bug you. Afternoon is wonderful for naps. Early evening is so pretty and a great time to go for a walk. And at night I get good energy surges … or I pass out, depending.

Would you rather sleep alone or with someone? Oh I really do love snuggles, but when I'm really tired, I just want to lie down and not be bothered with wiggles and cover shifting and such.

Would you give up the one you love/care for the most to become immortal? Who would say yes to this?!

What animal are you most like? a human, I think … then probably a gorilla or chip or something.

What kind of tea do you like the most? it varies moment to moment … hard to beat good mint tea though

Do you laugh at peoples’ stupidity? absolutely

Do you feel guilty for doing so after you’re done laughing? Not as such.

2 Replies to “Random Questions Meme”

  1. Those are great answers! Haha! I'm almost 5' tall and I have those weird hazel/green eyes too.

    Nipple rings are dangerous, gross too! Ew!

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