
This morning when I left for work, it was the first time that I said goodbye to Tabby in her crib. Always before she has woken up before I left and I got to give her a snuggle and a kiss as she's lying next to her Daddy. She was right there, all cuddled up with her blanket, sleeping so soundly.

She's such an amazing little person and I'm so pleased that she's able to be in this world so successfully, but already, she needs me less than she did when she was first born. As a parent, you have to strive for this, but when you get it, it is bittersweet. I had a glimpse of her independence this morning and that she won't be my baby forever. 6 months has gone by in the blink of an eye and I sort of glimpsed this morning how fast 6 years and 16 years are going to go.

I am sad, proud, and completely in awe. Being a parent is hard and so wonderful.

4 Replies to “Glimpses”

  1. It's really amazing to watch them learn new things and practice them over and over. But yeah, even though it wasn't that long ago, I do miss the beginning, hard as it was, just because they were so content to just be in your arms all day.

    With the whole teething thing, the Mini has been waking up once a night and usually needs to be rocked back to sleep, a habit that I'm kind of walking a fine line on, because I don't want it to become a habit forever, yet, maybe I do? I love still being able to soothe him and making him feel safe and loved.

  2. Enjoy every moment…I look forward to joining those parenting ranks.

    But, don't have Tabby off to college quite yet!

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