Brain Dump

ARGH. Had a whole long post written out with links and such and it went pooof! Now I'm tired and it's late and I'm a bit ticked. So I'll recreate as best for you as possible.

Matt found this comic for me. Which is funny because it IS me. I have wanted an awesome treehouse forever. Matt promised to build me one before I would marry him. I'm not kidding either.

Little cutie is outgrowing her clothes at an alarming rate. Especially her one-pieces. She only has 1 or 2 that fit and I really like to keep them in the diaper bag for a full outfit change if necessary. So we bought her a few of those. One we got at Sam's club .. that was $7 … the very same one was $16 at Babies 'r' Us. I found that very gratifying. I would show you a photo, but I can't find it online and I'm way too lazy to take one and upload it, etc. Very cute though.We also bought lettuce while at Sam's. Loki felt it necessary to rip into the lettuce while we were in Babies 'r' Us. He didn't get far though … guess he doesn't like plain ol' lettuce. No, he perfers his with ranch. Also not joking. Silly dog.

Miss Tabby is doing so well with her solids. She gets all fired up and starts waving her hands like mad when we go to feed her. I've made pretty much all of her baby food myself, which has prompted my dad to call me an “earth mama.” I have mainly done it because it seems like it would taste better … maybe I'm a foodie mama. Annabel Karmel has some good books on the subject. I have two of them, plus another I got from Barnes & Noble for like 2 bucks. Hmm… that makes me sound a bit obsessed. Anyhoo, it's way easier than I ever thought it could be and Miss Tabby seems to like the results.

I have actually found some pretty cool sites recently, but they're probably of the type that few care about except me. But you might be interested in Free Range Stock, which has free graphics and such. Or this post at LifeHacker which talks about free fonts, backgrounds and icons. I also find ParentHacks to have grea tips on living with kiddos.

I think that's probably enough for now.

6 Replies to “Brain Dump”

  1. Have you seen those mega monster tree houses that are like $100k? AMAZING. I always wanted a killer tree house as a kid (and adult) but now we live in new construction vinyl village so hardly any trees worthy of a house.

  2. Oh, from xkcd – I love those comics! The guy who does them has such a fun, geeky sense of humor. If you haven't already, check out some of the other comics there, you might enjoy them too.

  3. I just *love* Sam's Club. I'm going to make a trip there on Thursday. Isn't it crazy how fast kids outgrow clothes??? It seems to be slowing down a *little* bit now that Lucas is two (geez, almost 2.5, actually!), but he grows out of socks and shoes SO quickly.

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